Internationally acclaimed artist, Ashley Wood released Nom de Plume today, the faceless commander of the Dirty Deeds platoon. Limited to only 50, the Nom de Plume 12" figure was to go on sale on June 25th Hong Kong time and was available on - apparently the figure was sold-out in 20 minutes! From Ash Wood's blog:
Re: Nom
Sorry for the folks who missed out, but remember before you get angry at the run size, these are not like books that are printed in mass very quickly, each Nom is hand made, there are no machines making the cloths on auto, the paint is not a quick spray job, it all takes time to make a cool toy. The logistics of Nom dictated 50, hopefully we can up the run's on editions as we move along.
Amazing... keep 'em coming Ash! Cheers!
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