This past weekend I was in
Brandon, Manitoba (with my brother) to attend the
Battle in Brandon, a kickboxing/muay thai event (held at the
Wheat City Golf Course/Curling Rink) where
Guardian Dojo members,
Sean Devlin and Rox Lui competed. Anyhow, while having dinner with my brother, we couldn't help but notice the diversity of the handwriting on the wall (signatures on charity donation cards)... it was interesting to see the variety, which brings us to the topic of today's post.
When was the last time that you wrote/used cursive handwriting? Now, I handwrite on a daily basis but, it's definitely not in the traditional cursive style (as seen in
the above image)... I don't even recall the last time I wrote in
true cursive. I wonder how many people today, can write
the cursive alphabet without reference (do they even teach this in school anymore?). We tried while waiting for our dinner and both of us failed miserably... sad.
Give it a whirl! Don't look at the image above! See how well you recall your
cursive - cheers!
Image via Wikipedia