Yesterday evening marked the inaugural debut of National Digital Media Day, which saw members of New Media Manitoba, the Society of Graphic Designers of Canada (Manitoba Chapter), Flash in the Peg, and the International Game Developers Association band together to celebrate at the Pastry Castle in the Exchange.
Kevin Hnatiuk of New Media Manitoba was on-hand to welcome all the guests who turned out to the event. Kevin, along with his volunteers played a huge role in organizing the event.
The Honourable Jim Rondeau (Minister of Science, Technology, Energy and Mines), made a brief presentation, welcomed the enthusiastic crowd, and introduced the keynote speaker, Robert L. Peters. The event wouldn't have been possible without the Ministries' support so, many thanks!
The keynote presentation, by Robert L. Peters, FGDC was entitled Do the Thing Right.
Rob's quote-filled, Do the Thing Right keynote presentation was very well-received (you can see more random images from Rob's keynote via the GDC Manitoba Flickr Group, here).
People stayed afterwards, had a few beverages, mingled and chatted on the patio (all the while, enjoying the beautiful Fall evening)... a good time was had by all. You can see more images from the event via the GDC Manitoba Flickr Group, here - cheers!
I'm a little dissapointed there are no pictures of me. I was lookin hot that night.
LOL. I thought those pics were best kept private. ;P
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