Saturday, March 21, 2009

Spring is in the Air...

Well, you know that spring is just around the corner in Winnipeg when (said with tongue-firmly-in-cheek):

- the potholes out number the cars on the street
- sidewalk pedestrians are seen doing 'the shuffle step'
(both to avoid slipping on icy sidewalks and all the other crap that surfaces when the snow melts)
- the GDC Manitoba e-News arrives in your inbox... ;)

The GDC Manitoba Chapter proudly presents the first inaugural edition of the GDC Manitoba e-News. Put together by the exceptionally talented, designer, illustrator, photographer, blogger-extraordinaire, Jeope Wolfe (MGDC, GDC Manitoba Chapter Communications Chair), this issues covers a wide range of articles/topics...

...such as Rob and Ian's recent trip up to the high artic for a photo-shoot for The North West Company.

Check out the e-News for yourself, here - enjoy!


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