Went to the opening night of the 2009 Red River Exhibition (aka 'The EX')... this solo ticket booth operator perhaps is a sign of the recession (i.e. less 'disposable' income for families to spend)? Hmm...
If I was in the mood for rides, I wouldn't have had to wait very long as line-ups were non-existent.
All the favorites were still around on the midway, with a few new(er) additions here and there (or perhaps just refurbished classics?)...
...the 'crowds' must have all cleared out near the end of the evening (capped off by fireworks) ;D
Highlights were, awesome Carnival typography, vivid lights + motion = interesting photo opps, plus the usual sights you only see at Carnivals. ;) The one item to draw the most attention from the crowds this year would be my corn-on-the-cob purchase... drawing inquisitive looks from attendees and staff (even with some queries as to where I bought it from)!
One can't go to the EX and not get mini-donuts... ;P We ended up buying out the last batch of mini-donuts, much to the dismay of the line-up behind us (oh well, they can always go to the Forks).
My first encounter with the new Pepsi logo on a vending machine... it just so happened to be out of order. Which was quite funny considering it was placed beside a vending machine with the old Pepsi logo, which was still working... things that make you go hmm... - would "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" apply in this situation? ;P
Anyways, please do check out the rest of my photos from the evening, in a Flickr set on my Flickr account, here, or view it as a slideshow - enjoy!
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