Ashley Wood's Nom de Plum has arrived... albeit a little worn from the overseas travel. It's really unfortunate that the shipping label was stickered onto the other side of the box (it hid/destroyed the duplicate Nom box art).
First impression of the Nom box art is rather meh... a crude description could be a sticker wrapped over a plain white cardboard gift box (which truly pales in comparison to the awesome packages that my Berties arrived in).
...42/50. Lucky! Included with Nom was a size XXL ThreeA t-shirt (guess I'll just have to shrink it... twice [or maybe three times], if I ever plan to wear it).
Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you Nom de Plume...
Nom de Plume with my Bertie 'assault platoon'...
Nom de Plume and Dirty Deeds... ready to deploy! You can view the rest of my Nom de Plume un-boxing pics on my WWR Bertie Flickr set here - cheers! ;)
You should stick it to Mr. Wood over that shirt. Let him know not all of his clients are fat overweight speculators. Some of them are lean mean bare knuckle fighting machines.
Osu! Thanks for making me spew coffee (through my nose) all over my keyboard and tablet. See you at the Dojo.
Where on earth do you buy these from, i cant seem to find a store that sells them ANYWHERE!! please help.
Anonymous most of the Ashley Wood/ThreeA toys are limited to small runs, and typically sell-out within the first few hours of release. Nom de Plume was limited to an edition of 50.
If you're interested in getting your hands on the newest releases from the awesomeness of ThreeA, check out, or you can try Googling - ThreeA Toys / Ashley Wood Toys, some retailers do carry them in limited quantities (these tend to be snapped up pretty quick as well). The last resort (if $ is no object), try ebay... ;)
ThreeA / Ashley Wood rocks!
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