Well, it took a while but I finally finished the painting I was doing for the
Art for Angels charity art auction, which takes place this evening Wednesday, March 12th at the
ALIVE Lounge in the Exchange District. I've tried to document and you show some of the process that this painting went through (apologies for the poor photos and lighting)...

Starting from the beginning, we have the thumbnail sketch (left image). This sketch was one of 12 done in thumbnailing storm... it's approximately 1.25" x 2.5", pencil on paper. From this initial thumbnail stage, I generally like to do a series of slightly more refined 'thumbnails', just for exploration... this was done in ink on vellum (right image).

After transferring the initial sketch to canvas, I blocked in the shapes with a base layer of tone. From here, I proceeded to add more tone and paint in more detail (some shadows, highlights, etc.)... more tone, more detail (more smoke, gattling gun, etc.)... and so on, and so on... ;) Until we got to the final stage, which was to paint in the 'fluttering, floating, little birdie' and the robot's red eyes... voila!

My painting's description:
WTF rolls into town and rains destruction in all directions. As the dust settles and the smoke fades, a floating, fluttering little birdie appears before WTF... stopping it dead in its path. “What gives?” asked the little birdie, “Who are you to come uninvited into my home? Who asked you to invade my freedom?” Sadly, WTF knows of only one way to respond... ;)
The painting is 12" x 24", acrylic on canvas. Anyhow, it was fun to pick up the paints/canvas again after such a long time... I feel inspired to do it more often! You can see more images of the
painting's process on my Flickr page here. Hope whoever takes
WTF Robot home enjoys the painting as much as I enjoyed the experience - cheers!